Legal, not breaking the law when creating adverts.
Ethical, not offending or hurting anyone with your advert (e.g. racism, sexism...)
ASA - Advertising Standards Authority, TV, Radio, Internet, Magazines, Newspapers
OFCOM - Office Communications,
When given a number of complaints about a certain advert, they investigate, then depending on the circumstances, they give the company to make amends, or ban the advert completely.
Adverts can not have false or deceptive messages, leave out important information, or use aggressive sales techniques.
You can not use a competitor's logo or trademark, or something very similar
Comparing your product with a competitor's product is not the same
you can not contact companies or people that don't want to be contacted, when emailing advertising, you must state who you are and what you are selling
Money super market advert had 1063
Between 2014-2015, ASA handled 29554 complaints for 15951 adverts
Banned advert: NHS Anti Smoking UnHooked
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